It's the eighth of April...not a cloud in the sky..
I woke with a smile and I'll tell you why.
Easter is coming in just a short time...
The kids will be here and won't that be fine?
I jumped out of bed with that smile on my face...
And said to myself...make plans with much haste.
Eating our oats at our sweet breakfast nook..
Joe over his paper gave me a look.
I said, "We must write down the things that we need..
I'll go to the market in my Mazda I'll speed."
The list was prepared without any delay..
And I was all dressed and then turned to say..
"I'll go alone in my little red car...
The store where I'll go isn't too far."
Joe opened the garage and a peck on the cheek...
Was all he could muster not a pinch or a tweek.
I took to the road obeying laws of our city..
Over the bridge and was feeling quite giddy.
I rolled into the lot of our little town store..
I checked in the mirror then opened the door.
I could smell something new...Spring was here...
The market was buzzing with joy and with cheer.
I opened the door and what did I see?
Bouquets of flowers.. I tingled with glee.
I filled up my cart with all kinds of posies...
My outlook on life was certainly rosy.
My shopping progressed without any delay..
Back in my car and I started to pray.
Over the river and across the bridge...
With a car full of goodies up to the ridge.
Down our street I came pedal on the floor...
I honked the horn and opened the door.
Joe smiled at me and said," Oh my!"...
Where was the ham, the yams and the pie?
The car was filled with wonderful treasures..
That would bring his wife so much pleasure.
Lilies, tulips , pansies and more...
Were the things Balisha had brought from the store.
She went to the store with food on her mind...
She came home with flowers, and Joe was so kind.
While putting the flowers in many a pot..
Spring thoughts in her head...Balisha simply forgot.
Your poem left a big smile on my face! Thank-you.
A perfect poem for Easter! Thank you for sharing it with us. :)
You are such a poet! I loved the poem. I bought flowers today and made Easter cakes, too. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.
LOL ... who could pass up the beauty of Spring flowers.
Happy Easter Balisha!
She went to buy groceries
At her local food store,
But when she came home
She had flowers galore;)
Your poem gave me my first smile of the day. Enjoy your flowers Balisha and have a wonderful Easter.
Thanks for the comments ladies. Happy Easter to all of you.I did buy some food. Just wanted you to know.
Marnie...You're a poet!That was cute. Thanks
I LOVE THIS!! I'm smiling all over myself! What a joy!! You always make me smile and just burst with the love of being alive!!! I am GLAD I met you, Balisha!!
P.S. I posted a little bunny poem on my own blog today...but of course I did not write it. It is something that a dear friend who has passed, used to quote to my children when they were small. I wrote it down and have no idea where he got it.
I tell you...this had me..just grinning from ear to ear!!!
Yes, Spring is on the way. I loved the poem. Reminds me of years in the past. Now I wait to begin my garden when home is finished. My present yard is full and I am adding nothing else.
Happy Easter to you.
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