I got a call this morning to ask me to make door decorations for our Church. The seasons are changing and so are the doors. A trip to Michael's was called for. I left, bright and early, to beat some of the traffic. I was planning the door pieces, in my head, as I went along the way. Of course I was checking the roadside for dried materials. I found a big patch of teazels. I love them for wreaths etc. They are kind of hard to work with...kind of like trying to plant a cactus in a clay pot. They look so pretty mixed in with other dried things, so it's worth the sticks and the pain. There were some tall grasses and a few other things....I don't know their names.
We have a big box of dried things at Church....they have been there since the beginning of time. They are old, dusty, broken, stuck with duct tape...you name it. I have used these things over and over...to save $ This year it will be different. We will have new decorations for fall.
Michael's was full of women shopping for fall things. They had carts full of pumpkins, gourds, and wreath materials. We were in the aisles holding things up...."How does this look together?" someone would ask. "Where is the raffia?" When crafters get together....we talk to everyone. It's a friendly thing and we help each other. No one was in a hurry, just taking our time to try to find just the right thing. I made my selections and pushed the cart to the checker. I held my breath as she totaled it up. I didn't want to spend too much..although our Priest is very easy going about our charges. He wants the Church to be beautiful too.
I paid for my purchases and pushed the cart to the door. Another crafter helped me out the door and we visited all the way to our cars. We said "Goodbye...nice talking to you. Good luck with your decorations." It was a fun morning. I drove home...keeping my eye on those teazels....I will be back.
I love teasel in dried arrangements. A few years ago I learned to come prepared when gathering it in the wild. It has vicious prickles so I bring heavy leather gloves and heavy pruners.
There is some wonderful plume grass behind the waste mgmt plant on S. Main. It's great dried too. Almost time to make a trip to harvest some.
Sounds like you had an interesting morning at Michaels. :)
I was going to write a long comment on crafting with weeds....think I'll write a post on it instead. We made a trip to Rockford this morning... again and I was looking around. I have to make the wreaths now...so they won't have much from the roadside this year. I see that I spelled teasel wrong...I am still learning how to spell in my 70's.LOL
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